24 September from 11:00-12:30
The Javett-UP presents a curatorial dialogue with Gabi Ngcobo (Curatorial Director, Javett-UP) and Danielle Oosthuizen (Coordinator: Education and Public Engagement)
Gabi Ngcobo and Danielle
Oosthuizen will mediate a participatory curatorial dialogue focusing on the
exhibition Handle with Care. The exhibition draws from selected works
from the South32 Collection on loan to the Javett-UP for a period of ten years.
First assembled in 1994, the collection was the first of its kind to endeavour
collecting radically, and from the onset, evenly across South Africa’s
racialised demographics and gendered subjects. Through a combination of
participatory exercises the dialogue is meant to engage the public on the
curatorial process of creating critical connections that may not be immediately
obvious in the exhibition and it’s themes. The curatorial dialogue forms part
of activities marking the Javett-UP second year since our opening on 24
September 2019.