Javett-UP Partnership with Creative Education South Africa: School Excursions

Published 05 October 2022 in News from Javett-UP

Reflections From Puleng Plessie

One of Javett-UP’s mandates and strategic focus areas is to centre ourselves as a living school by bridging the arts educational gap in society and the community. This includes but not limited to inclusivity, engagement and connecting with communities which do not have access or resources to arts education. Javett-UP has partnered with Creative Education South Africa (CESA) for learners’ educational excursions from marginalised communities in and around Tshwane. This partnership has already allowed 10 395 learners and 347 teachers to engage with the various exhibitions and artworks at the Javett-UP as a starting point to unpack the CAPS Curriculum, elect content and unearth historical moments.

The process entails a tour of Javett-UP exhibitions by our guides, followed by a CAPS Curriculum based activity where we unpack Visual Art Elements and Design Principles. Both these processes are guided by an educational resource designed for both learners and teachers should they wish to continue the process on school premises. This partnership with CESA, facilitates Javett-UP’s commitment to bridging that gap and accessibility, not only through its exhibitions but also it's content around the CAPS curriculum

A huge thank you to the following schools which have participated in the programme:

Bafedile secondary school, Bafedile Primary School, Bogosi Primary school, Central Secondary School, Eindracht Laerskool, Galeboe Secondary School, Hebron technical School, Hendeic Makapane High School, Ithuteng secondary school, Itsoseng Secondary School, Itumeleng Madiba Primary School, kalkbank Primary school, Kau Primary school, Kgaphamadi Secondary school, Khubamelo Primary school, Kopa Dilalelo Primary school, Kutlwano Primary School, Kwa Mocha Primary school, Loalane High school, Machekela Primary School, Madiba Primary school, Magatlhanong Primary school, Makapanstad Private school, Malatse Motsepe High School, Mathibestad Primary school, Matlaisane Secondary School, Mmakuba Primary school, Mmamudi Primary school, Mmanotse moduane Secondary school, Mmarumo Primary School, Mmasempane Primary school, Mmatlhame Primary school, Mogothlwane Secondary school, Moimise Primary School, Molebatsi Primary School, Morokwa-na Ditlou Primary school, Mothutlong High school, Motswatemeng Secondary school, Nchaupe High School, Nyorwe Primary Schools, Omar High School, Osaletseng Primary School, Polonia Primary School, Princess Park, Ramaifala Primary, Rantebeng Primary School, Re-e-lwe Primary school, Rekopantse Primary School, Seboaneng Primary School, Segwetlhane Primary school, Soshanguve East Secondary School, Sunrise Secondary school, Thaba Murula HIgh school, Thipe Primary School, Thulaganyo Secondary School, Thulwe Primary school, Tiisetso Primary school, Tokyo Sexwale Primary School, Tswe Primary School

Reflections From Kutlwano Monayi

I was introduced to CESA in April this year when I was told of the number of learners that would walk into this space. I just asked myself how that would be possible; I mean I’ve had the experience of giving tours to about 30 learners maximum at a time. I was definitely out of my comfort zone during the first tour of over 100 learners, however it was an incredible experience. There is a certain harmony, joy and rush that comes with giving tours and observing the learners express all their excitement. We have facilitators, coordinators and security personnel putting in so much work for each day to be successful and after each day we reflect on what we can do better next time. It has been a great learning curve for use all. 

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